Finally, a web site

For far too long, I've been meaning to start a web site. Here it is! Now I can showcase some of the many images I've photographed over the past decade+ as well as promote the services I provide as a photographer, consultant, educator, and writer.

I have posted a few sets of themed images for my portfolio, with more to come. I've also described all of the presentations I have available at the moment, complemented by a complete list that includes the presentations I am actively working on for future years. Yes, it can take years to gather material for a presentation--sometimes nearly a decade--while other presentations require only a few days of photography.

From the services aspect, I've listed some of the fields I consult in, photographic services I provide as well as my availability for writing, editing and educating.

Since most of the early visitors for the web site will be family and friends from social media, I'm really going to emphasize the photography that I hope you enjoy for the first few months. You can either continue to follow me via social media or, if you like, I am also planning a monthly-or-so newsletter of what's new on the site from my travels and projects. You can sign up at the bottom of the page, if you like.

Best wishes for 2016!

Fireworks from Kitsilano Beach, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Fireworks from Kitsilano Beach, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada